The consumer sector is probably the most popular and recognized industry. Perhaps it is the industry that has the highest investment in advertising media due to the nature of its products.

It is also an industry that has been favored by advances in technology, not only for the automation of processes and inventories, but also for the point of sale and customer contact.
It is also one of the most globalized sectors and therefore it is a very competitive market. Where large companies with worldwide operations compete with SMEs, small and regional companies.

The consumer and commercial industry is also the most resilient industry, since it is less sensitive to the stagnation of the economy, the population in general continues to make purchases even in times of economic recession.
Due to the characteristics of this industry, market research is really useful for companies in this sector, regardless of transfers are the market strategies and objectives that have been set. The consumer industry requires competitive intelligence that allows it to have an advantage over the competition and translates into achieving consumer preference.

Whether they are products for mass consumption, durable consumption or any other type, at Master Research we have a multidisciplinary team of experts in research and market intelligence with the ability to take on any challenge and provide you with the solutions you need for your product, your brand. or your company.

We analyze the complexity of consumer decision-making processes for consumer products and, with this, we identify the drivers that determine their purchase preference. We recommend the following Customer Analysis solutions: Master CX (Customer Experience), market research that identifies the experience of consumers at all contact points in the purchase process. The satisfactory customer experience at all contact points (including digital media) of the business process generates loyalty and, with it, an improvement in the profitability of the company. NPS + (Net Promoter Score), is the market intelligence solution that generates relevant information on the satisfaction, dissatisfaction and recommendation intention of your customers. Using specialized software, We generate dashboards that show the results in real time, in addition to offering the possibility of generating alerts for clients that require immediate attention. Finally, there is ProShopper, our solution that allows us to identify compliance with the company’s policies, procedures and business processes at the point of sale, which contributes to standardize the corporate image, the offers to the public, the protocols for the attention of the personnel, among other elements. Using the Mystery Shopping technique, it is possible to identify the attention models of competitors and perform comparative analyzes to recognize best practices in the market and also generate performance indexes. Finally, there is ProShopper, our solution that allows us to identify compliance with the company’s policies, procedures and business processes at the point of sale, which contributes to standardize the corporate image, the offers to the public, the protocols for the attention of the personnel, among other elements. Using the Mystery Shopping technique, it is possible to identify the attention models of competitors and perform comparative analyzes to recognize best practices in the market and also generate performance indexes. Finally, there is ProShopper, our solution that allows us to identify compliance with the company’s policies, procedures and business processes at the point of sale, which contributes to standardize the corporate image, the offers to the public, the protocols for the attention of the personnel, among other elements. Using the Mystery Shopping technique, it is possible to identify the attention models of competitors and perform comparative analyzes to recognize best practices in the market and also generate performance indexes. among other elements. Using the Mystery Shopping technique, it is possible to identify the attention models of competitors and perform comparative analyzes to recognize best practices in the market and also generate performance indexes. among other elements. Using the Mystery Shopping technique, it is possible to identify the attention models of competitors and perform comparative analyzes to recognize best practices in the market and also generate performance indexes.

These solutions are backed by the ISO 9001: 2015 certification that we obtained for our intelligence and market research services, with which we can offer you confidence in the quality of our services.