By: Adal Mendoza
Director of Market Research

More and more Mexicans are using mobile applications, according to data from the National Survey on Availability and Use of Information Technologies in Homes (ENDUTIH) 2019, in Mexico there are 86.5 million cell phone users and we have about 112 million of smartphones (smartphones) and the number continues to grow. It is considered that 6 out of 10 of the computers are of medium and high range , since users want to have better capabilities to operate various applications.

That is why companies invest in the design and development of their sites and applications, but it is not enough to have the development, it is important that the application or site allows the best experience for the user.

When we talk about the term usability we refer to the ease of use that any tool has for a user, in other words, usability design improves the ease of use of a product.

According to ISO 9241-11, usability is described as a degree to which a product can be used by specific users to achieve specific objectives with effectiveness, efficiency and satisfaction , in a particular use context.

In mobile applications, usability represents an aspect of great relevance, since, if the application is not easy to use, it means that there will be a large percentage of user abandonment.

So, it is important to analyze the entire Journey or journey of the user through research techniques and KPIs to generate value actions that allow improving the results of an App or digital development.

According to the standard, we must consider the following aspects:

  1. Effectiveness : it relates to the precision with which users use the application to achieve specific objectives.
  2. Efficiency : it is the relationship between effectiveness and the effort or resources used to achieve the task, for example, the completion time and learning time of the tasks. The less effort and time, the greater the efficiency.
  3. Satisfaction : it measures the degree to which the user feels satisfied when using the application, for this heuristic tests are generally used, since satisfaction is a subjective attribute and it is required to be measured with attitude rating scales.


In conclusion, it is important to measure the usability of your applications to provide the best experience and generate greater conversion and user loyalty. Master Research has a solution to help you with your app, contact us for more information.